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A global DIY music community joined forces to create a DIY venue harm reduction guide for those who manage spaces, host and or attend events. A global DIY music community joined forces to create a DIY venue harm reduction guide for those who manage spaces, host and or attend events.   

The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi  for more information.     ︎

D.I.Y. Venue

Harm Reduction is a resource for
people who manage spaces, host events, and / or attend events.

This is an incomplete, evolving draft
of suggestions for fast, free and low-cost
changes that can be implemented immediately. 

This is not a comprehensive safety manual or
replacement for involving licensed experts
and meeting fire / building codes. 

This collaborative effort is edited by community
and professional experts who span a range
from DIY / lived experience to credentialed
professionals in architecture, fire rescue and
prevention, disability justice, and more.

THIS TITLE has most often been interpreted as

DIY Venue
Harm Reduction

(harm reduction for DIY Venues) 

But we think of it more as

DIY Venue
Harm Reduction

(harm reduction for all venues, with a DIY approach)

Instead of spending time defining what counts as a “DIY Venue,” we focus on reducing harm everywhere.
Many “legal” venues that pay rent and meet building and fire codes realized they could do more to improve their safety and accessibility measures following the 2016 Ghost Ship tragedy.

This resource centers the needs of low-budget, precarious DIY situations, while expanding beyond ad hoc strategies.

This information is also helpful

for pop-up or
temporary events.

Whether you live in a punk house that hosts monthly shows in your basement,
or you are hosting a legal, permitted, one-time event in a public park,
you can keep your community as safe as possible.



with all of our neighbors

but not limited to communities of color,
low-income communities immigrant
communities, and vulnerable communities
who are likely tO inhabit spaces at risk of fire,
eviction, or gentrification.
The information is


beyond Niche subcultures throwing parties in warehouses.

In DIY communities like that of the Ghost Ship, “Safer Spaces” has most often been interpreted to mean keeping a space free from racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, harassment, violence, and other interpersonal and social concerns.
The Ghost Ship


brought forward the need
to also consider the physical

and structural safety of the buildings and structures where these social relationships take place. This document is therefore strongly aligned with the disability justice movement, which has long been making the case for many of these improvements.

in addition

to modifying spaces and policies on the part of venues and event hosts, we identified
strategies and improvements that attendees and guests can use.
We wanted to emphasize audiences’ agency in harm reduction and venue accountability.

For accountability purposes: this document was initiated by Susanō Surface, a curator, unlicensed architectural designer and long-term DIY music community member currently based in Seattle, WA.

It was started concurrently with saferspac.es, which was initiated by Melissa J Frost –– also an architecture professor, unlicensed architectural designer, and long-term DIY music community member –– as a platform where service providers and professional or technical experts can connect with venues or community members in need of those services. 

It is maintained by a community of collaborators worldwide.

A global DIY music community joined forces to create a DIY venue harm reduction guide for those who manage spaces, host and or attend events.

The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi for more information.     ︎






AND surrounding areas.
Piles = fires and obstruction.

Clearly mark ALL

exit doors

Use reflective,
or battery-powered
LED-lit signage.

Clearly mark ALL

emergency exiTS

including non-barred windows,
fire escapes, etc.


FROM doorways AND EXITS.

To ensure people can safely enter or exit a doorway, remove any
objects or clutter that may prevent the door from opening fully.

This should especially be checked during events when equipment
may be temporarily placed in front of a door.

 Mark and label building circulation with reflective tape or paint on
the floor. Ideally, these glow in the dark, paths should be at least 44"
(1.2m) wide, with doors a minimum 36” (90cm) wide.

Whenever possible, design your navigation so it's possible to get
through the space while using a wheelchair.

Ideally, at least one exit should

open onto a street

that is at least 20’ wide

Narrow driveways, parking lots, alleys don’t count.
If you have the means to add or modify an exit, you will need to consult with a professional.
It may require A structural engineer if a new opening needs to be placed in a masonry wall.

Doors along the EGRESS PATH
including stair doors

should always
be unlocked

in the direction of egress.

Make sure doors swing freely and don’t stick!

Make sure doors

swing away
from you

as you move along the exit (egress) path.

Re-orient hinges as necessary.
Doors need to move in the direction of “egress,” or total exit from
both the “building envelope” (exterior walls) and its grounds.

For example, a door that opens to the outdoors but into an
enclosed courtyard does not count as true “egress.” 

Exit signs should ideally point in the direction of egress,
not just any point on the building envelope. 

In non-exit doors, locks that

require keys

from both sides

are illegal

in public or
multi-occupant buildings.

These locks should be replaced with exit deadbolt locks.
These are useful for individual studios and relatively low-cost.
Install panic hardware aka

crash bars

on your exit doors where it is possible
to replace knobs or latches.

It makes sure venues can be locked from the outside
without sacrificing the ability to open them from the inside.

A Panic Exit Bar typically requires a skilled person to install.
If you can’t afford panic hardware, push plates are an economical option.


The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi for more information.     ︎



Ensure all major exit path infrastructure is made of

fire-safe material.

This includes hallways, doors, stairs.
Especially if you have "decorative" or private stairs, lofts, ladders, poles.

Note: standard, single layer drywall is designed to withstand a fire for only 30 minutes, though it is possible to purchase materials and design walls to last for up to 1 hour in a fire.

Code compliant exit stairs are typically rated for 1.5 to 2 hours.
For detailed diagrams, go here - free registration required.


flammable / combustible / hazardous

material properly

solvents, gasoline, kerosene, spray paint,solvent soaked or oily rags, and more.

Use appropriate individual containers,
flammables cabinets, etc

These can be bought for$300 or less from lab/office supply liquidators.
The blue hazmat cabinets typically offer the same fire protections as the
yellow flammables cabinets, and may be cheaper. 

Keep a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for all hazardous
materials onsite in an easily accessible location.

Do not allow

large installations or dividers of fabric,
paper, flammable wood, etc.

Unless the materials are known to be flame retardant and/or the space has working sprinklers.  

Require all existing large installations or dividers made of flammable material to be fireproofed. There are cheap, low-cost methods as well as standard products, and they vary for different flammable materials that can be found by searching online.

Note that some fireproof materials can (when there isn’t a fire) cause adverse reactions in people with chemical sensitivities.


battery operated exit signs

with integral strobes as not all visitors can hear a fire alarm.

This will also help with the location of exits in instances of crowd panic.

Obtain and install

functional smoke AND

30 feet apart in common areas
One in each enclosed room. Consult the manual of your individual detector for testing
frequency, but if you don’t have the manual, test the batteries at least every 6 months.

More information from FEMA about smoke detectors can be found here.

Obtain, install, and clearly label 

non-expired fire extinguishers

75 feet apart in common areas.

If your space has contained studios or bedrooms, include a fire extinguisher in each.

Check the fire extinguishers annually: verify pressure is in the green area on the dial,
and make sure there aren't any obstructions
in the nozzle. 

Dry chemical extinguishers (like most multi-use extinguishers) should be inverted and shaken about once a month to prevent the powder from compacting at the bottom of the container.
A Multi-Purpose Fire Extinguisher labeled for Type A, B and C fires will cover many types
of fires (paper, oil, electric) and costs approximately $55 for a 5lb extinguisher.

If you have specific risky conditions (flammable material; complex/extensive electrical wiring) place the appropriate extinguisher nearby. 
Have fire extinguishers professionally serviced annually, and replace it if it has been used or if the hose or nozzle is cracked, ripped, or blocked; the locking pin is missing or unsealed; or the handle is wobbly or broken.

High-quality extinguishers can often be
picked up used at low cost.

Recertifying is a $10-20 investment if
the extinguisher is not too old.

The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi for more information.     ︎





disability justice

in all updates and maintenance of your space
For every decision you make, consider how people with disabilities;

mobility, blindness, deafness / hard of hearing, intellectual disabilities,
as well as elders, children, intoxicated people, and others with mobility challenges will navigate the space.

Everyone must be able to get out, so make decisions that
support the most vulnerable inhabitants.

As you make improvements, when possible, hire/pay disabledpeople to accessibility-audit your venue.

Obtain at least one

carrying chair

per set of stairwells in your location and per floor.

The chair should be stored in a clearly marked and unobstructed place.
Key residents/volunteers should be trained on how to
appropriately use it in times of emergencies.

Unless your building is already

mobility accessible

via pre-installed ramps or easements,
aftermarket ramps can be purchased and installed to
ensure all emergency exits are also accessible to wheelchairs.

The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi for more information.     ︎




Make sure your
electrical wiring is

properly grounded

Make sure your electrical wiring isproperly grounded and attached to breakers
so if the system overloads it shuts off rather than exploding

If you regularly lose power during events, first be thankful that the breakers are working
asthey should, but also acknowledge that your system is not adequate to handle your needs.

You must update the system, or modify what you book there until you can update it.
Using another object in place of a fuse or breaker is a solution far worse than the problem.

Label the circuits on your

breaker box

This makes it easy to kill the power to something without the lights going out.
Figure out which outlets are on which circuits, and what the maximum current is for every circuit.
Make sure you’re not overloading a circuit.

Connect your electronics to

surge protecting
power strips

Power intensive items, like heaters, ovens, microwaves, air conditioners, etc. should
be plugged directly into the wall outlet
wherever possible.

If you must connect these item to an extension cord, ensure that it is rated for the appliance
you want to use. Clear space around electronics and wiring, and keep electrical items dust-free.
Ensure that surge strips are not daisy-chained together in place of the use of a proper extension cable of the appropriate gauge.

When possible, uncoil extension cords entirely when using them, particularly when they are connected to power intensive appliances. Coiled extension cords are more likely to overheat causing a fire hazard.
Periodically check all appliance cables, extension cords, plugs, and outlets for any signs of damage.

Do not use anything with exposed copper, frayed or nicked insulation, black burn marks, or any other sign that there might be damage to the cord.

Don’t try repairing anything unless you know
what you are doing.

Avoid running long light gauge

extension cords

in order to access outlets.

Use extension cords only temporarily, and place them in a way they are not a tripping hazard. 
Use surge protectors instead for more permanent installations; check condition regularly and
replace if there are signs of wear. 

Never use flex cable (lamp cord, extension cord, etc) in permanent, hardwired installations.
It’s not rated for permanent installation.

Learn more about extension cord suggestions.

The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi for more information.     ︎



Residents, Staff, and Visitors

Create and review

emergency procedures

and run periodic emergency drills with residents, staff, and volunteers.

Orient visitors to emergency procedures

Create a list of



  • fire
  • ambulance
  • medical help
  • landlord
  • real estate
  • owner

  • Plumber
  • carpenter
  • electrician
  • locksmith
  • construction workers
  • local emergency supports
whether run by state, county, grassroots, etc
You can also include contact information for first responders such as EMT and police, and be aware that minimizing police involvement and using alternatives to police is itself a harm reduction strategy when many vulnerable and informal communities are threatened and unsafe in police presence.

Keep a list of staff and residents’ emergency contacts

Each resident should prepare

an emergency kit

(for fire or earthquake) that can be stored in their space or in a secure outside location. The kit can include extra set of clothes/shoes/sweater, toiletries, flashlight, safety helmet, goggles, extra batteries, first aid kit, extra cash, emergency numbers, spare phone charger,  gloves, etc.

Speaking of earthquakes:
 Review placement of large furniture and objects on shelves.

Anchor furniture into wall studs. Secure objects to surfaces with museum wax or
other safety tethering. Also consider whether there are fragile objects, including
those made of glass, placed on unsecured shelves. If possible keep such objects
in a cupboard with shelves. Examine hanging decorations or lighting and make
sure they are adequately secured.


escape ladders

upper-story rooms and make sure they are easily usable in emergencies.

Kidde KL-2S Two-Story Fire Escape Ladder is approximately $35.
Make sure to test on windows. Train key people on use.

Complete risk assessments

for your space
taking all possible risks into account
These Australian/Canadian/British resources from CCOHS and WorkSafe Victoria have information that can be applied in many other places. Document potential risks, as well as measures to mitigate them into a single document that can be referred to when necessary.

regular drills 

Practice = safety 
The more realistic the drill, the better.
The more realistic the drill - the better.

Look to Street Medic communities on how they run situational drills and apply similar techniques. Some possible options: hold a fire drill with the lights out; bring in smoke machines; add disorienting background noise; practice evacuating someone who is injured; practice using emergency ladders and carriers (if applicable); simulate mock phone calls to emergency personnel.

These drills may be traumatizing to participants so be sure to work in space for self care afterward. However, drills will ensure that all key residents and volunteers are fully prepared in time of emergency.

Have non-flammable,

non-power-dependent lighting

available indoors, for example, battery-operated candles and flashlights.

Keep all

electrical panels,
water and gas valves, meters,
and other infrastructure

accessible and identifiable, with a minimum 3' of
space at their front and sides at all times,
in case someone needs to access them in an emergency.

Depending on the area of the building, you may want to use chain-link fence to define space around panels/meters to prevent objects from being stacked against them, while offering a visual connection.

Limit the sizes of

storage rooms

whenever possible

Unless the room has sprinklers, or the walls are fire-rated.
This is one of the most important things you can do,
as storage rooms are major sources of fires.

Do not use the spaces under stages for storage,
unless they have adequate fire attenuation.

Have a

cleaning day

Including removing hazardous substances
and unused objects, de-cluttering, etc. 

Dispose of toxic materials and large objects safely, per your city’s process.

The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi for more information.     ︎



“Once you get to this level, you are almost certainly going to need to consult with professionals - what should be understood is that everything below could be seen as prescriptive, and some things are not necessary if you do sprinklers. Dampers and fire doors typically occur at rated assemblies;
like between storage rooms and the assembly space…”

Your venue should have

at least
two exits

Venues hosting 1-500 Occupants typically need a minimum of 2 exits.
In multi-story venues, most city codes require two points of egress on each floor
(typically, the main exit stairwell and a fire escape on each floor.)

The exits have to be separated by a min distance, which may vary based on location.
One at each end of building is a good first pass.

When possible, keep performance spaces

on the ground floor

or same floor as building exits.

Post floor plans

Post floor plans of the space in visible areas, with rooms (including “private/staff only” sections) doors, stairs, windows, bathrooms, any hazardous materials storage,  and fire extinguishers clearly marked. These can be simple, informal, and hand-drawn.

DIY walls

that don't have proper
insulation and sheetrock.

Wood panel walls with hollow cavities in the center are fire hazards. Consider the space’s use and
your needs when choosing how to build a wall. Metal studs are relatively inexpensive and don’t
add to fire risk, but they are less environmentally sustainable than wood studs, which do add
to a structure’s “fire load.”  

Not all sheetrock is created equal! “Type X” sheetrock is recommended. If you live somewhere where earthquakes are a concern, there are additional seismic issues related to wall building.

Check your corridor length:

Ideally, dead end corridors shall not exceed 20’ in length.

Keep heat-generating

lighting equipment
to a minimum.

Use LED or fluorescent bulbs whenever possible, as they generate significantly less heat. While LED bulbs are initially more expensive, incandescent floods can overheat, becoming dangerous to the touch and potentially combustible.

Avoid any lighting that uses  tungsten/halogen  lamps (like old stage lights)  they run *very* hot and need proper handling since the oil from your fingers on the bulbs can catch fire.  

Use flame-retardant fabrics

and materials for sound absorption / isolation
(eg, curtains, fiberglass panels).

Do not use bedding or packing materials.



along your exit or
egress paths.

Include 1-2 fixtures on each path, with battery backup in case the power goes out. If you install exit lighting, signage it may help to install it low (1-2 feet up) to the ground.

When there is smoke, you likely can’t see and
will be moving low to the ground.

Install a secondary emergency generator that emergency lights for pathways and exits are connected. Test this system periodically.



if you are able and empowered to do so.

It is possible to install a DIY residential sprinkler system, but it is ideal to to hire a local fire protection contractor to handle all drawings, installation and fire inspection. 
It’s more feasible to do a DIY addition to an already-sprinklered building. 

You can often do the heavy work yourself or with
a regular plumber, and only hire the certified
crew to do the final inspection and connection
to the system.

Note that sprinklers are intended only to
delay a building burning down long enough
for people to exit.


fire doors

and dampers equipped
with panic bars!

Install fire doors and fire dampers (equipped
with panic bars!) to reduce the spread of fire
and smoke through multiple rooms and
(HVAC) ducts.

These two investments will be a plus for
future inspections.

Building Upgrade Required,

Prickly or Uncertain Owner?arm yourself
with information.
Get an estimate for design and installation of a sprinkler system including inspection fees. 

If in Oakland, KIVA Oakland provides micro-loans up to $5000.  KIVA operates in several cities - research if this applies to you. The City of Oakland will work with groups to arrive at compliant solution.  But before approaching the City, show commitment by investing in extinguishers and emergency exit signs (you bought them, you own them).  Get the space spic-and-span to show commitment to order.  Approach KIVA with loan application (but do not submit); Approach City of Oakland with upgrade intent (conversation only). Once Oakland and KIVA give verbal blessing, approach landlord with desire to upgrade and that you will invest in the sprinkler but wish a 5-year lease with no rent increase during that time.  The agreement should include if the owner sells, the owner is obligated to pay back the cost of the sprinkler.  If down the road the owner does not repay for sprinklers, file a lien on the property.  This will prevent the sale until repaid. (The cost of a fire sprinkler system for a small to mid sized warehouse is probably going to cost $50,000 to $100,000 or more).

Strive to use

best practices

in your approach to everything safety related.

If you can’t afford a particular solution,
or are otherwise prevented from implementing it 
consider options that mitigate the risk as best possible.

If you can’t implement all of the safety measures,
do what you can do.

The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi for more information.     ︎



Limit THE

number of attendees

based on your venue's size. 


before and during each event.

medical providers

at your event to provide first aid.

Have an

emergency plan

fire, flood, earthquake, active shooter, etc.
Have people in place
who know what to do.

Make sure these people are easily identifiable.
If something goes wrong at an event, visitors
need to know who can help.

Designate A Safety captaiN,
OR 2, who can offer
clear direction.

The safety person should stay a safe distance away to assist first responders, and have an updated floor plan indicating all the rooms
in the building.
Accountability and
safety for everyone
is paramount.

Many times persons are killed in building fires because of unknown, or unauthorized spaces, where one thing was expected, but a whole different scenario is encountered.


the venue’s capacity

For a generic capacity estimate, assume you’ll need a minimum of 5 square feet per person in the common areas. Measure the square footage of public space in your building and divide by 5 - the result is the number of people you can allow in at one time.  

Check your local code:
Oakland fire code says 7 sq ft per person standing,
15 sq ft per person, seated.

Note that this is the rule of thumb for a dense assembly occupancy
(how many people can reasonably fit in your space).
It’s used to determine the number of exits and their minimum widths.

Basic rules of thumb:
If you do this math and it comes out to more than 50 people, you should have 2 doors (somewhat far apart from each other) out of there.
Ask your


for support

Many of us are contractors, electricians, plumbers, construction workers, architects, firefighters, acousticians, food safety experts, etc. who might be willing to at least evaluate your conditions, suggest options, or rank the urgency of changes needed.

Offer an exchange based on what you can afford. For example, you might offer free admission for an agreed duration or number of events, or organize a fundraiser to compensate community members for their labor and expertise.

Ask if anyone is willing and able to help pro bono, or create a payment plan if you truly have no alternative. Just talk to your people to see what people’s availability and boundaries are, then make a plan when you are informed.

Communicate accessibility

(or inaccessibility) information on event promotions

Especially online where unlimited text is allowed.
That way, attendees can consent in advance to the conditions they'll experience in the venue.

Some specifics

to note:

All-gender restrooms

or gendered restrooms

Scent-free space
or Scented products used

or Age-Restricted

Space for chest feeding
pumping, diaper-changing, etc.

pets, plants, etc.
Wheelchair accessibility
of venue & restrooms
When bathrooms are inaccessible, you can rent an
accessible port-a-potty. Ramps are rentable from
medical supply stores and drugstores for $30-40.

Primary languages
of performance or text content
availability of ASL or international language interpretation

or un-availability of drug use harm reduction supplies Needle drop box, Naloxone kits, clean needle exchange, etc.

Do not

candles, pyrotechnics, fireworks,
incense, or any open flame indoors.

Suggest alternatives for smokers
Abstention, vaping, nicotine patch, gum, edibles, LEDs, finger spinners, etc. 
Especially if you cannot provide an adequate outdoor smoking area.


Fire Watch

volunteers to raise the alarm

Assign fire watch volunteers in each room of your event to raise the alarm if a problem occurs and to help evacuate each room. This is especially important for spaces that don’t have a central fire alarm system with strobe lights to alert the entire building in case of fire.

Fire Watch volunteers should ideally not be intoxicated or
even using intoxicants at all, while serving in this role.

Staff your event with people

who are trained

in crowd management

Free training is available online.  

Be aware that many people are unsafe in the presence of police oreven
official uniformed security guards. This may include people who are traumatized
from police violence or who are demographically vulnerable to police violence: 

Undocumented people, people with criminal records,
people of color, sex workers, unhoused people, etc.

The addition of “security” or police-type staff does not
necessarily increase actual or perceived safety for everyone.

The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi for more information.     ︎



Offer support to

local venues

if you are able to

share skills and expertise in building safety.
Clarify up front your credentials, your availability, any personal or professional
boundaries, and compensation expectations (pro bono, trade/barter, or cash).

Don’t be shy to expect fair compensation for your efforts.
Your hard work and wisdom are worth it.

Ask venues how

you can help

in other ways

organize and attend work parties
Fundraise or get materials for improvements.


Make a plan

When you first get to a place that you haven't been before,
consider possible dangers such as fire, earthquake, flood, active shooter, etc.

Figure out where exits are and make quick emergency plans.

Be aware of people with

mobility concerns

when you attend public events.

This includes those with disabilities, children, elders, people who are intoxicated.

It is standard emergency-protocol to keep oneself safe first when an emergency is actually taking place,
but in non-emergencies we can all be more aware of each other’s needs when we are together.

Speak up

  We have begun to establish a culture
where it is considered helpful and welcome to demand safer spaces
that are free of behavioral threats, such as gender-based and sexual harassment, abuse,
assault, misogyny, homophobia, transmisogyny, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, ableism, fatphobia,
ageism, classism, and bigotry in all its forms.

We must also include literal building and life safety
in our demands to keep our spaces safer.

It is integral to disability justice, as well as overall community safety.
If you witness questionable conditions, investigate - you deserve to understand.
If you know something is dangerous, call it out immediately and demand change
so the venue can become a safer space for your whole community.





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