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A global DIY music community joined forces to create a DIY venue harm reduction guide for those who manage spaces, host and or attend events. A global DIY music community joined forces to create a DIY venue harm reduction guide for those who manage spaces, host and or attend events.   

The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi  for more information.     ︎

D.I.Y. Venue

Harm Reduction is a resource for
people who manage spaces, host events, and / or attend events.

This is an incomplete, evolving draft
of suggestions for fast, free and low-cost
changes that can be implemented immediately. 

This is not a comprehensive safety manual or
replacement for involving licensed experts
and meeting fire / building codes. 

This collaborative effort is edited by community
and professional experts who span a range
from DIY / lived experience to credentialed
professionals in architecture, fire rescue and
prevention, disability justice, and more.

THIS TITLE has most often been interpreted as

DIY Venue
Harm Reduction

(harm reduction for DIY Venues) 

But we think of it more as

DIY Venue
Harm Reduction

(harm reduction for all venues, with a DIY approach)

Instead of spending time defining what counts as a “DIY Venue,” we focus on reducing harm everywhere.
Many “legal” venues that pay rent and meet building and fire codes realized they could do more to improve their safety and accessibility measures following the 2016 Ghost Ship tragedy.

This resource centers the needs of low-budget, precarious DIY situations, while expanding beyond ad hoc strategies.

This information is also helpful

for pop-up or
temporary events.

Whether you live in a punk house that hosts monthly shows in your basement,
or you are hosting a legal, permitted, one-time event in a public park,
you can keep your community as safe as possible.



with all of our neighbors

but not limited to communities of color,
low-income communities immigrant
communities, and vulnerable communities
who are likely tO inhabit spaces at risk of fire,
eviction, or gentrification.
The information is


beyond Niche subcultures throwing parties in warehouses.

In DIY communities like that of the Ghost Ship, “Safer Spaces” has most often been interpreted to mean keeping a space free from racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, harassment, violence, and other interpersonal and social concerns.
The Ghost Ship


brought forward the need
to also consider the physical

and structural safety of the buildings and structures where these social relationships take place. This document is therefore strongly aligned with the disability justice movement, which has long been making the case for many of these improvements.

in addition

to modifying spaces and policies on the part of venues and event hosts, we identified
strategies and improvements that attendees and guests can use.
We wanted to emphasize audiences’ agency in harm reduction and venue accountability.

For accountability purposes: this document was initiated by Susanō Surface, a curator, unlicensed architectural designer and long-term DIY music community member currently based in Seattle, WA.

It was started concurrently with saferspac.es, which was initiated by Melissa J Frost –– also an architecture professor, unlicensed architectural designer, and long-term DIY music community member –– as a platform where service providers and professional or technical experts can connect with venues or community members in need of those services. 

It is maintained by a community of collaborators worldwide.

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