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The following harm reduction guide is an open source document contributed to us by a remarkable community of DIY/lived experience to credentialed professionals in architecture, fire rescue and prevention, disability justice, and many other fields. Please visit our friends at https://D-I-Y.fyi for more information.     ︎





disability justice

in all updates and maintenance of your space
For every decision you make, consider how people with disabilities;

mobility, blindness, deafness / hard of hearing, intellectual disabilities,
as well as elders, children, intoxicated people, and others with mobility challenges will navigate the space.

Everyone must be able to get out, so make decisions that
support the most vulnerable inhabitants.

As you make improvements, when possible, hire/pay disabledpeople to accessibility-audit your venue.

Obtain at least one

carrying chair

per set of stairwells in your location and per floor.

The chair should be stored in a clearly marked and unobstructed place.
Key residents/volunteers should be trained on how to
appropriately use it in times of emergencies.

Unless your building is already

mobility accessible

via pre-installed ramps or easements,
aftermarket ramps can be purchased and installed to
ensure all emergency exits are also accessible to wheelchairs.
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