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Independent, BX

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Dominican-born, New York City-raised artist DELABAE is influenced by a wide range of musical genres but has a particular fondness for sounds derived from his Afro-Caribbean and Dominican roots, having grown up in a melting pot and one of the world's most multi-cultural cities.

Alexis, aka DELABAE, is inspirited by New York City’s ever-evolving dance floors and finds his muse through its vibrant underground dance music scene. DELABAE's passion and dedication to honing his craft compelled him to forgo law school and abandon his regular 9-to-5 career to fully immerse himself in the creativity in which the enthralling community of his home-city ignited within him.

DELABAE is committed to using his music and artistry to increase and revolutionize queer Latino representations through mediums of film, fashion, and music on a local and global scale.

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